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Rock n Roll Dallas recap

We arrived in late Dallas Friday afternoon. When we had left Houston, it was a balmy 87 and four hours later when we stepped out of the car in Dallas is was 53! Talk about a temperature drop.

Saturday we went over to expo to get registered and pick up our bibs. The expo was pretty cool, lots to look at, but it took a hot minute to figure out how to get out of there which maybe was the point.

By the time we went to dinner on Saturday everybody was a little concerned about the weather for Sunday's race.  They were saying it was supposed to be about 41 at the start with winds at 25-30 miles per hour and gusting to 45mph! E and A wanted to wear long sleeves while K was still talking about running in a singlet. I was on the fence. I didn't have any throw away clothes with me so if I wore a long sleeve top I would have to keep it on the whole time. In the end I stuck with my normal short sleeves and gloves.
Sleep Saturday night was fitful and by the time the alarm went off I was already awake. Since the race wasn't until 8:00am, we didn't get up until 6:00am. K's friend called just before 7:00 wanting to use our bathroom and when she got up to our room she looked like she was dressed for winter and frozen to the bone. She told us to wait inside as long as possible, but we had to check our gear so we left around 7:10. Luckily we had access to the VIP tent which was right next to the corrals and had those outdoor heaters!

We even waited a few minutes after the gun went off before jumping into a corral. Inching closer to the start, I noticed I couldn't feel my toes! Awesome. We finally crossed the start line and once we got out on the road, boy was it windy. I think we lost A and K somewhere around mile 1. E and I were unusually quiet. We, or at least me, are normally quite chatty during our runs. But it was just too cold. Finally around mile 5 I was able to feel my toes again. But it wasn't until mile 8, right after I lost E, that I actually broke into a little bit of a sweat.

As I got to miles 9, 10 and 11 I just tried to focus on not slowing down. I never even saw the mile marker for 12. I thought it was the longest mile of my life until I looked at my watch and noticed I was already at 12.4. The race finished at the fairgrounds and, finally, once we entered the park there was actually a tailwind. I held on just long enough to finish under 2:10. My official time was 2:09:41.

I have no idea what race I'm running next. But I would like to really train for one and see if I can set a PR at the next one.


  1. wow, congrats on finishing such a cold, cold race!! I would love to do a Rock n Roll marathon!

    1. Thanks! I would def recommend it, Rock n Roll was fun.


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