So I have this race coming up. A half marathon on October 30th. It's a race put on by L uke's Locker amon g other people and I a m a part of Team Lu kes. I have to run well. And to run well I also have to, well, run. I just haven't been feeling it. I sa t down and wr ote out a training plan at the beginning of August. And I haven't followed it since the first week. I'm still running, kin d of, but I 've all but stopped going to yoga. And I've come to realize that I really need the yoga in order to loosen up and not be tight on my runs. For the last ye ar , I've been doi ng hot yoga pretty regularly - several times a week. And my running ha s been great. Eight minute pace ha d been comfortable. July 24th was the last day I really went to yoga. I went a solid eight weeks with zero classes and noticed a serious decline in ho w good I felt on runs. I just. I haven't wanted to run or go to yoga or do much of anything. So now I have 22 day...